All rental bonds are managed online through MyBond
A claim against a bond may become a dispute if the owner/agent, tenant, and any Deposit Contributor:
- do not agree
- cannot be contacted, or
- do not respond within the required timeframe.
A bond will not become a dispute if an owner/agent does not respond to a claim. If an owner/agent does not respond in time the bond will be automatically released to the contributing parties.
MyBond notifies the other parties when one party disagrees with a claim. The bond is then considered to be in dispute.
The agent/owner must then provide evidence to support the dispute. This is called a dispute submission. The tenant must also provide evidence or reasons why they disagree with the claim.
How to dispute a bond claim
When you receive a notification from MyBond that a claim has been made, you should log in to MyBond to look at the claim. If you have questions about the claim, you should contact the owner/agent.
If you do not agree with the claim, you can dispute it in MyBond. If you do not have access to MyBond please contact us on 1300 654 499.
All parties to the bond will receive a dispute notification from MyBond. They have 10 working days to provide evidence to support their claim.
Once the 10 days have passed, the Commissioner is able to review all the evidence provided. The Commissioner makes a determination on how the bond money will be paid out, based on the evidence supplied and the requirements of the Act. Depending on the number of disputes lodged with the Commissioner, the time taken for a determination can sometimes exceed 90 days.
We suggest you read:
- Guide to the RTC (PDF, 988.2 KB).
- Quick Reference Guide – Approving / disputing a claim and uploading evidence (PDF, 176.3 KB)
When the determination has been made, the parties are notified by MyBond to log in and view the determination.
If you disagree with a determination you can appeal the decision in the Magistrates Court of Tasmania. See Appealing a dispute determination
Issues the Rental Deposit Authority can't help with
- Strata titles and body corporates. Registrations of strata titles and disputes in relation to the Rules of a body corporate fall under the Department of Primary Industries Parks Water and Environment.
- Compensation. If a tenant or property owner/agent wishes to pursue compensation, they should seek legal advice about their options.
- Conduct of managing agent. Direct issues involving unsatisfactory professional conduct of an agent managing a rental property to the Property Agents Board of Tasmania.
This page has been produced and published by the Consumer Building and Occupational Services Division of the Department of Justice. Although every care has been taken in production, no responsibility is accepted for the accuracy, completeness, or relevance to the user's purpose of the information. Those using it for whatever purpose are advised to verify it with the relevant government department, local government body or other source and to obtain any appropriate professional advice. The Crown, its officers, employees and agents do not accept liability however arising, including liability for negligence, for any loss resulting from the use of or reliance upon the information and/or reliance on its availability at any time.